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Future Farmers of America began in 1928 when 33 farm boys, agriculture leaders and teachers gathered at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri to form an agricultural education program. Today, there are 461,043 members in 7,308 chapters in every state.
In the 76 years since FFA’s foundation was laid, the New Mexico FFA Association has grown immensely. Agricultural Education provides a well rounded, applied approach through three individual components. These being; supervised agricultural experiences, classroom instruction and the FFA organization.
New Mexico has more than 100 agricultural education instructors working with the 4,000 FFA members across the state, involved in 74 different agricultural education programs. These students participate in a number of programs including leadership events, competitions and community service projects. These programs prepare them for more than 300 careers related to agriculture.
The mission of the FFA organization is to develop students potentials for premier leadership, personal growth and ca-reer success through agricultural education. The mission of agricultural education is to prepare and support individuals for careers, build awareness and develop leadership for the food, fiber and natural resource systems.

2023 - 2024 State FFA Officers


The 4-H youth development program is the largest in the United States with over 6.4 million members. Children and young adults ranging from ages 5-19 are members of 4-H. There are over 603, 000 adults volunteering their time as leaders, helping youth members and families come together through various projects. 4-H is a dynamic non-formal education program providing opportunities to learn life skills, gain knowledge while having fun, and making contributions in such areas as environmental education, community service and current issues.
The beginning of the 4-H club work in New Mexico dates back to 1912. In New Mexico today, 4-H clubs has enrolled over 50,000 youth and has over 3500 volunteers. There are over 200 projects that are offered In creative arts, health and nutrition, natural science, plants and animals, communications, and many more areas! 4-H reaches youth in urban, suburban and rural communities throughout New Mexico.

2023 - 2024 State 4-H Officers

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